At Tilin Consulting, we do what it takes to stay ahead of the game. Our dedicated, experienced team incorporates innovative ideas and successful strategies to ensure that our clients get to the top and stay there. We have been leaders in creating buzzworthy campaigns for a wide array of industries in Brazil.
Successful Collaborations
We have a very simple yet powerful mission: we believe in doing excellent work with great clients. From ideation to implementation, we communicate closely with everyone we work with to ensure great results. Check out some of our clients below.
A Big Win for Our Client
Our team helped Audi over a period of several months. We were there every step of the way, leveraging connections with media outlets, events and sponsorship to attract target audiences and ensure maximum coverage and sales.
Successful Campaigns
Avianca reached our team to help introduce the new frequent flyer program called Amigo. Our team made the best effort to impacts the best media vehicles.
Turkish Airlines
A Sponsor and Media Victory
Turkish Airlines trusted our team to manage the sponsorship at the biggest and most traditional jumping show in Latin America, with 23.400 visitors in 6 days. The event provided workshops with influencers, special lounges for sponsors, celebrities presence, high level athletes, big media coverage, direct mail for over 30.000 people, more than 80 hours steaming coverage and 5.000 hashtag mentions at Instagram.
Rua Iguatemi 192 10th floor - cj 101 - Itaim Bibi - São Paulo - Brasil
+ 55 11 98245-7149